Alastair Cole
96 mins
Sgrìonadh sònraichte den fhilm Iorram, film aithriseach a ghlacas d’ aire a tha a’ coimhead air an dàimh eadar a’ Ghàidhlig agus na coimhearsnachdan iasgach sna h-Eileanan Siar. Tha am film air fhighe ri chèile bho nithean à tasglann fuaim na Gàidhlig, fhilmean an latha an-diugh de na h-eileanan, agus ceòl ùr bho Aidan O’ Rourke. Tha an sgrìonadh mar phàirt de chomharrachadh 70mh Ceann-bliadhna Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba, agus thèid am film a dheasbad às dèidh làimh.
A special screening of Iorram (Boat Song), a new immersive documentary film exploring the relationship between the Gaelic language and the fishing communities of the Outer Hebrides. The film is woven together from Gaelic sound archive, contemporary footage of the islands, and a brand new score from Aidan O’Rourke.
This screening is in Gaelic and will have English subtitles.
The film is being presented with the 2021 Seachdain na Gàidhlig (Edinburgh Gaelic Festival), as well as part of celebrations for the 70th Anniversary of The School of Scottish Studies Archives. The screening will be followed by a discussion.
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